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Managing your address book
What is the address book?
The address book allows you to store contact details for anyone who you may call or who may call you. When an incoming call is received, the number will be looked up in here so the name is displayed to you automatically on your phone.
Getting started
Head to the Dial 9 Portal and log in using your Dial 9 username and password.
If you are not familiar with this process a guide for logging into the Dial 9 Portal can be found here.
Once you are logged into Dial 9 Connect you will see the option for Address Book.
Here you will have 2 options, you can either select Manage contacts or Import from CSV.
Manage Contacts
When you enter Manage contacts you will be shown a list of current contacts, you will also have the option to Create a new contact on the right side of the page.
If you select to create a new contact you will have to enter a contact name and then select the type of contact method. The contact method is the type of number you are adding, this could be Home, Office, Mobile, etc.
Once you have selected the Contact method and entered the number just press the Add contact method button.
You can now either add more Contact methods for this contact or if you have no further methods to add you can press save.
If you ever wish to edit a contact in the address book just click on the contact name. Here you can edit such details as name, contact methods, contact numbers, you can even delete the contact by selecting the Delete option at the bottom right of the page.
Importing contacts from CSV
Creating a CSV file
You'll need to create or export a CSV file that is suitable for uploading here. To do this, you need to make sure you include a column for the contact's name (labelled ContactName) and another one for the number (labelled Number). The first row of your CSV file must contain the name of the data that you're importing as shown below. You can have multiple contacts with the same name and different numbers in your CSV file.
# | A | B | C |
1 | ContactName | Number | Designation |
2 | Jimmy Jones | 01234 567890 | Office |
3 | Sarah Smith | 07123 123123 | Mobile |
Be sure that you include the first line and that the names of each column match the text shown above. You can add up to 1,000 rows per CSV file.
Once you have you CSV file ready for upload just press the Browse... button and locate the CSV you wish to upload. Your contacts will then be uploaded to the system.
Downloading your contacts
You can download a CSV file containing all your contacts. You can then quickly make changes to this and import it back into the system. You will need to be on the Manage contacts page, then select Download all contacts (CSV) on the right of the page.