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Adding a new time-based route
Clicking the Create a new route button will allow you to add a new time route:
Start by entering a name for the route, followed by the time range. If you want to run the route all day, leave that blank, otherwise it's recommended that you start the route when you first want to close, then finish it when you reopen, such as 17:30 - 09:00 if you operate from 9am to 5:30pm. Then, your default settings for each number will just apply during normal hours.
Next, choose a day of the week which can be every day, individual days or commonly chosen groups of days such as weekdays or weekends, then choose any numbers you wish to apply the route to.
Finally, you can choose any destination in your phone system to send calls to when the route is active:
Then just click Save to finish, after which your route will automatically send calls to your chosen destination during its active hours.