We're delighted to announce the addition of a new enhancement to our text-to-speech greetings feature - the ability to further customise your greeting by adding pauses, abbreviations and acronyms and even your own external audio file placed at any point in the greeting that you wish.
We've been able to achieve this by utilising Google's Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) - currently supported on the James and Emma voice variants (support should be coming soon for Mark and Alice), which you can find out more about in their documentation.
To get started, just head to Features -> Greetings in Dial 9 Connect as you would normally, then you can add your customisations to a new greeting as you see fit.
You can use the example below to get started.
Thank you for calling my business. <break time="0.5s" />
Please choose from one of the following options. <break time="0.5s" />
For sales, please press 1. <break time="1s" />
For support, please press 2. <break time="1s" />
For anything else, it's 3.
As always, if you have any questions about this, or any other feature within the Dial 9 service, don't hesitate to get in touch.